
01. Seven Samurai - 1954

02. Ikiru - 1952

03. Yojimbo - 1961

04. Rashomon - 1950

05. High and Low - 1963

06. The Hidden Fortress - 1958

07. The Lower Depths - 1957

08. Red Beard - 1965

09. Sanjuro - 1962

10. Stray Dog - 1949

11. Ran - 1985

12. One Wonderful Sunday - 1948

13. Scandal - 1950

14. Thrown of Blood - 1957

15. Rhapsody in August - 1991

16. Dodes'Ka-Den - 1970

17. Drunken Angel - 1948

18. Kagemusha - 1980

19. The Bad Sleep Well - 1960

20. The Quiet Duel - 1948

21. No Regrets For Our Youth - 1946

22. The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail - 1945

23. Madadayo - 1993

24. Dreams - 1990

25. The Idiot - 1951

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